Uldis Bojars

[ Home page ] [ Semantic Web ] [ Blog ] | [ CaptSolo@deviantArt ]

This is an archive of my old site. Keep in mind that the content here is old. To be updated...

I am a Semantic Web and Social Media researcher. I did my PhD studies at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute in Galway, Ireland.

Interests: Photography (see my photos on Flickr), Semantic Web, Science Fiction, ...

Highlighted events:

Social Data on the Web workshop at ISWC 2011
4th Social Data on the Web workshop at ISWC 2011
Bonn (Germany), October 23/24, 2011

For more information about what I work on and write about please visit CaptSolo Weblog.

(c) Copyright 2024 by Uldis Bojars (email: uldis.bojars at gmail)