about semantic web, software architecture and life in general

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See also my homepage.


Permalink 00:39:27, Categories: Semantic Web, Technology, Social Software   English (EU)

2nd Social Data on the Web (SDoW 2009) workshop

2nd Social Data on the Web (SDoW 2009) workshop

Date: October 25, 2009
Location: Washington, DC (USA)

The workshop, co-located with the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), aims to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners involved in semantically-enhancing social media websites, as well as academics researching more formal aspect of these interactions between the Semantic Web and Social Web.

The list of accepted papers is published at the workshop webpage and is also available as RDFa (RDF data extracted from the SDoW 2009 page).

The list includes:

  • Continuous Queries and Real-time Analysis of Social Semantic Data with C-SPARQL
  • FOAF on Air - Context-aware User Pro?les for the Social Web
  • Folksonomy Resources as a Data Source for the Social Data in Semantic Web
  • Freemix: Social Networking Meets Data
  • Mapping between Digital Identity Ontologies through SISM
  • Multiple Personalities on the Web: A Study of Shared Mboxes in FOAF
  • Reactivity and Social Data: Keys to Drive Decisions in Social Network Applications
  • Semantic History: Towards Modeling and Publishing Changes of Online Semantic Data
  • SiocLog: Providing IRC discussion logs as Linked Data
  • Social Networks of an Emergent Massively Collaborative Creation Community – Case Study of Hatune Miku Movie on Nico Nico Douga
  • The Mobile Wine Agent: Pairing Wine with the Social Semantic Web
  • The NoTube Beancounter: Aggregating User Data for Television Programme Recommendation

Looks like this is going to be an interesting workshop. :)

Note: I am one of the organisers of the workshop, along with Alex, John and Sergio.



Permalink 01:34:16, Categories: Semantic Web   English (EU)

Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0

SSS’09 is taking place in Stanford, CA starting from today (March 23) until Wednesday, March 25.

More information: Program of the AAAI Social Semantic Web (SSS’09) symposium

See also: Twitter messages about SSS’09

Web 2.0 (aka. social web) applications such as Wikipedia, LinkedIn and FaceBook, are well-known for fast-growing online data production via their network effects. Meanwhile, emerging Web 3.0 applications, driven by semantic web technologies such as RDF, OWL and SPARQL, offer powerful data organization, combination, and query capabilities.

The social web and the semantic web complement each other in the way they approach content generation and organization. Social web applications are fairly unsophisticated at preserving the semantics in user-submitted content, typically limiting themselves user tagging and basic metadata. Because of this, they have only limited ways for consumers to find, customize, filter and reuse data.

Semantic web applications, on the other hand, feature sophisticated logic-backed data handling technologies, but lack the kind of scalable authoring and incentive systems found in successful social web applications. As a result, semantic web applications are typically of limited scope and impact. We envision a new generation of applications that combine the strengths of these two approaches: the data flexibility and portability of that is characteristic of the semantic web, and the scalability and authorship advantages of the social web.


Permalink 01:57:58, Categories: Online Rights   English (EU)

Irish Internet Blackout

Activities of Irish recording industry association are putting online freedom in danger. The Internet is one of the most important tools that people have access to these days and it keeps us informed, can be our workplace and can help people get support when it is needed. Governments are claiming that we should lessen the digital divide that separates people into those who have access to the Internet (and computers) and those who do not.

It is this time when the record companies say: “hey, we want to be both judge and executioner in cutting people off the Internet". That is what the “3-strike disconnect” demands are about. To let private companies cut someone off the Net for indefinite time without due process and without a way to clear the accusations.

Even in court cases the “evidence” (which would be enough to disconnect users in Ireland) of record company investigators has been proven wrong. They have accused people who are disabled (and they may suffer the most if disconnected from the Net) and people who don’t even own a computer. If their evidence is courts is questionable, how can we trust what they do together with ISPs behind closed doors and without any transparency?

To protest against this threat, join Blackout Ireland.
Make your avatar black showing support for Irish Internet users.

In press:


Permalink 14:06:49, Categories: Online Rights   English (EU)

Blackout = The Fight for Online Rights

Irish recording industry is forcing ISPs into disconnecting Internet users and censoring the Internet. This blog posts describes the problem and tells why it is a very bad idea:

These threats have led Internet users to start a protest movement called Blackout Ireland:

Blackout Ireland follows in the footsteps of the original #blackout
in NZ. They are fighting against a controversial censorship law that was
about to be introduced:

You may think that turning your Twitter avatar black may not have much effect. You may be wrong. Imaging the awareness that can be raised by such high-profile twitter users as @stephenfry when his >200′000 readers were wondering why his avatar was black (during NZ #blackout).

Update: Canada is emerging as another battlefront for online rights:

Michael Geist writes in the article linked above:

“That any ISP could demonstrate such hostility toward its own customers provides a clear indicator of the utter lack of broadband competition in Canada and serves as a warning that the New Zealand fight could eventually make its way here.”


Permalink 15:43:51, Categories: Semantic Web   English (EU)

Redland Python bindings on Mac OS X

If you need to install Redland Python bindings on Mac OS X then one of the ways is to use MacPorts:

sudo port install redland-bindings +python25

It is just one command and all dependencies will be installed automatically. (Though I usually install python25 with a separate command)

There is a cost to this because MacPorts would compile its own version of Python and as a result the installation might take a while. This is due to MacPorts policy to install all the prerequisites.

Context: I was having issues installing Redland Python bindings on Mac OS X and it seemed that nobody around me had them working either. MacPorts turned out to be the easiest way to do this.

See also:

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