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Post details: Social Semantic Web events


Permalink 04:15:34, Categories: Semantic Web, Social Software   English (EU)

Social Semantic Web events

AAAI-SSS-09: Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0

Update: Submission deadline was extended to October 10, 2008.

It takes place at the Stanford University on March 23-25, 2009 as a part of the AAAI 2009 Spring Symposia

” In this symposium, we are interested in bringing together the semantic web community and the social web community to promote the collaborative development and deployment of semantics in the World Wide Web context. We welcome constructive papers on, for example: (i) how semantic technologies, especially knowledge representation and collective intelligence, can benefit social web content organization and retrieval; (ii) how social web technologies can facilitate massive semantic content production; and (iii) how to address the requirements, e.g., reasoning scalability and semantic convergence issues, which emerge from the combination.

… there is more information (topics, …) on the website

Social Data on the Web (SDoW 2008) workshop

If looking for events within a shorter timeframe, you are welcome to come to the 1st Social Data on the Web (SDoW 2008) workshop at ISWC 2008.

It takes place in Karlsruhe, Germany on October 27, 2008.

List of accepted papers:

  • “A Hybrid Social Entity Reconciliation Algorithm for Interlinking Online Social Communities” by Chunying Zhou and Huajun Chen
  • “A state of the art on Social Network Analysis and its applications on a semantic web” by Guillaume Ereteo, Fabien Gandon, Michel Buffa, Patrick Grohan, Myl?ne Leitzelman and Peter Sander
  • “Combining Social Music and Semantic Web for music-related recommender systems” by Alexandre Passant and Yves Raimond
  • “Expressing Argumentative Discussions in Social Media Sites” by Christoph Lange, Uldis Bojārs, Tudor Groza, John Breslin and Siegfried Handschuh
  • “Getting to Me – Exporting Semantic Social Network from Facebook” by Matthew Rowe and Fabio Ciravegna
  • “LODr – A Linking Open Data Tagging System” by Alexandre Passant
  • “Modeling Online Presence” by Milan Stankovic
  • “RDFohloh, a RDF wrapper of Ohloh” by Sergio Fern?ndez
  • “Semantify del.icio.us: automatically turn your tags into senses” by Maurizio Tesconi, Francesco Ronzano, Andrea Marchetti and Salvatore Minutoli
  • “Towards Opinion Mining Through Tracing Discussions on the Web” by Selver Softic and Michael Hausenblas
  • “Towards Socially Aware Mobile Phones” by Alessandra Toninelli, Deepali Khushraj, Ora Lassila and Rebecca Montanari
  • “Wikipedia Mining for Triple Extraction Enhanced by Co-reference Resolution” by Kotaro Nakayama

Full disclosure: I am taking part in organizing these events.

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